Great Habits Great Readers book cover

Great Habits, Great Readers

  • Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Aja Settles, and Juliana Worrell
  • January 1, 2013

Great readers are not made by genetics or destiny but by the habits they build—habits that are intentionally built by their teachers. The early formal years of education are the key to reversing the reading gap and setting up children for success. But K-4 education seems to widen the gap between stronger and weaker readers, not close it. Today, the Common Core standards further increase the pressure to reach high levels of rigor. What can be done?

Great Habits, Great Readers includes the strategies, systems, and lessons from the top classrooms that bring the habits of reading to life, creating countless quality opportunities for students to take one of the most complex skills we as people can know and to perform it fluently and easily. The book offers:

  • Clear teaching strategies for teaching reading to all students, no matter what level.
  • An abundance of practical content such as 40+ video examples from real classrooms, Common Core lesson plans, and tips on text selection for guided and independent reading.
  • Professional Development resources–including a comprehensive guide for school leaders and instructional coaches on how to support and develop teachers to make them effective instructors of reading. Also includes PD agendas, activities, scripts, and presentations.

Written by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, bestselling author of Les données au cœur de l'action et Leverage Leadership and his co-authors, Aja Settles and Juliana Worrell, founding principals of the award-winning North Star Academy’s West Side Park and Fairmount Elementary schools, both part of the Uncommon Schools network.

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