Rochester Prep HS Teacher Shares First Year Teaching Experience

Susan Spencer, a geometry and algebra teacher at Uncommon Schools Rochester Prep High School, recently spoke with Evan Dawson, host of Connections on NPR, about her first year of teaching. “I was surprised by how purpose driven this work is for so many people. I’ve never worked in a profession where people were so dedicated … Suite

Uncommon Schools Educator Receives Outstanding Educator of the Year Award

Alexandria Timoll, Dean of Curriculum and Instruction at Uncommon Schools Leadership Prep Canarsie, was recently awarded the Outstanding Educator of the Year award by the publication Education Update. “For me, this was shocking. It made me take a moment. It’s nice when people notice the hard work that you’re doing,” she told BC News (Brooklyn … Suite

A Story of Struggle and Perseverance

“I knew that this school was going to help me reach my dreams in the future — and I always kept that in mind.” Uncommon Collegiate Charter HS alumnus Dwayne Dinkins experienced many challenges that could have kept him from graduating and going to college but thanks to the support from his foster parents and … Suite

North Star Academy Sending Over 150 Graduates to College

Uncommon Schools North Star Academy Washington Park High School is sending 154 graduates to college this fall, including four of the eight Ivy League schools. To date, the Class of 2019 is the largest graduating class and many of them are first in their families to attend college. Students like Paulyn credit North Star Academy … Suite

Roxbury Prep Graduates Its First High School Class

Roxbury Prep High School graduates its first class this year, and 97 percent of our students will be attending a four-year university in the fall. Roxbury Prep HS was founded in 2015 with a small class of 9th graders — founding freshmen who are now the first to graduate. “It’s quite an emotional experience to … Suite

Students Celebrate Senior Signing Days

Hundreds of high school seniors at Uncommon Schools recently celebrated a big milestone: college acceptance. With big smiles across their faces, students walked across a stage, stepped up to a microphone, and announced to friends and family where they’ll be going to college in the fall. The schools vary widely, local and national, including Rutgers … Suite

Student Work Featured in BKLYN Fashion Academy

In May, 20 local designers — including students from Uncommon Charter High School and Uncommon Collegiate Charter High School — were featured at the Brooklyn Public Library’s BKLYN Fashion Academy runway show. This year’s showcase paid homage to the Herero women of Namibia and their Victorian-style dresses. The designers also incorporated wearable technology into their … Suite

North Star Academy Wins College Success Award

Uncommon Schools is proud to announce that North Star Academy received the 2019 College Success Award, which honors high schools that excel in ensuring students are prepared for, enroll in, and succeed in college. North Star Academy is one of the approximately 20 percent of eligible schools in New Jersey that won the College Success … Suite

Julie Jackson Named President of Uncommon Schools

Since our founding, Uncommon Schools has always been driven by student achievement. Our mission has remained constant: to start and run rigorous, joyful schools that support our students in getting to and through college. With that in mind, we are excited to name Julie Jackson as our first President of Uncommon Schools. Julie is a … Suite

Rochester Prep Students Discover Rare Bacterium

Atlantis, Joyceline, and D’Asia — three Rochester Prep seniors — made a surprising discovery with professor Andre Hudson while working in a science lab at Rochester Institute of Technology. The young women are co-authors on a scientific paper announcing a rare bacterium that kills e-coli. Their work will be published in the April issue of … Suite

High School GPA Key to Predicting Bachelor’s Degree Attainment

Richard Whitmire, author of the new book, The B.A. Breakthrough, features Uncommon Schools’ North Star Academy and our Target 3.0 GPA program focused on helping students gain the skills and habits necessary to persist in college. Graduates from North Star Academy with GPAs of 3.0 or higher are four times more likely to earn college … Suite

Bringing STEM into Dance

Students at Uncommon Collegiate Charter HS (Brooklyn) are challenging stereotypes by combining dance, coding, and engineering in the STEM From Dance Project. According to research, women occupy about 10 to 30 percent of the #STEM industry. Among people of color, that number falls to about 4 percent. Programs like these not only expose young women … Suite

Uncommon Girls Rising

In January, Uncommon Schools Excellence Girls Middle Academy held a two-day retreat for its students. Over 400 young women convened in workshop sessions and were inspired by women role models, motivated each other, and built a sisterhood within their community. Watch the video below to learn more about the event, and to hear our students … Suite
