Jody Jones habla de liderazgo con el Instituto Accelerate

9 de marzo de 2023 / Noticias del Instituto Accelerate En 2018, Jody Jones, de Uncommon Schools, ganó el prestigioso Premio Ryan por su liderazgo transformador como directora de North Star Academy, donde ayudó a llevar a los estudiantes a cumplir o superar las expectativas de las pruebas estatales en comparación con otros distritos escolares de Nueva Jersey. Cinco años después, Jones, ahora directora sénior de Uncommon Schools ... Continúa en

Mardi, de Roxbury Prep, disfruta siendo líder

Por Seth Daniel, Editor de Noticias | 20 de octubre de 2022 | Dorchester News Después de pasar un año en un programa de formación y cuatro años enseñando Historia, Frankline Mardi fue nombrada Directora en Roxbury Prep Dorchester. Su amor por la enseñanza se remonta a cuando era estudiante y ayudaba como tutora a su madre, que ... Continúa en

Los hombres de Morehouse visitan Excellence Boys Brooklyn

BROOKLYN, NY - "¡Bienvenidos al Pequeño Morehouse!". animó el director Quinterrence Bell cuando un gran autobús de viaje se detuvo frente a la Excellence Boys Charter School en Patchen Avenue y los 50 hombres de Morehouse que iban dentro empezaron a salir a la acera. Los estudiantes de Morehouse llevaban más de 14 horas en el autobús, tras haber salido de Atlanta el jueves ... Continúa en

Anything But Common: First Black Co-CEO of Uncommon Schools

By Eddie Washington There are very few things common about Julie Jackson. For starters, she is the first Black Co-Chief Executive Officer for Uncommon Schools in its 25-year history. Jackson has been in education for nearly 30 years. Her experience started in the classroom as a Teach For America core member in 1994. Since then, … Continúa en

The Karen Hunter Show featuring Juliana Worrell: How can schools close learning gaps caused by the pandemic?

Juliana Worrell, Chief Schools Officer K-8 and co-author of Great Habits, Great Readers, was a recent guest on the Karen Hunter Show to discuss how teaching phonics can close literacy gaps, and how schools and school leaders can close learning gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen to the full interview: The Karen Hunter Show … Continúa en

It starts with phonics: Chief Schools Officer K-8, Juliana Worrell appears on BNC to discuss reading education

Juliana Worrell, Chief Schools Officer K-8 and co-author of Great Habits, Great Readers, recently appeared on Black News Channel (BNC) to discuss reading education and why phonics-based instruction is crucial. According to Worrell, “When we think about what are the best practices, we have to get back to the neuroscience, we have to get back … Continúa en

School Leader’s View: NYC’s New Chancellor Admitted We’re Teaching Reading All Wrong. Now Is the Time to Get It Right

Juliana Worrell, Chief Schools Officer K-8, recently contributed to The 74 Million and responded to NYC Public Schools Chancellor David Banks’ recent comments on reading education. To build a foundation for developing strong readers, Worrell shared three important recommendations: Basing reading instruction on the science Providing teachers support and training Equipping students with complex and … Continúa en
