Uncommon Schools Alum O'Shaun

O’Shaun Berridge

O’Shaun wanted to find a place where he could put 100% of his effort, and this realistically could have been anywhere, but it didn’t feel like anywhere genuinely wanted or provided a culture of commitment, accomplishment, and exercise until he found The Marcy Lab School. The Marcy Lab School is a place where you can ask anyone a question and that will take you a step further into obtaining the solution. In only one month at this school, he has learned what it takes to have discipline, how to become a student of curiosity, and how to manage tasks that are demanding. At the Marcy Lab School, O’Shaun hopes to gain further knowledge in tech, acquire tools to help him network with others in his field, and advance in his career as a software engineer.

“The people here are one of a kind and I haven’t been in a learning environment like this one before.”

