
Adiatu Jalloh

Adiatu Jalloh’s collegiate experience at Montclair State University is a testament to her determination and resilience. Graduating in May 2024 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Adiatu navigated significant challenges while balancing her roles as a student, wife, and mother.

One pivotal challenge during her freshman year was the birth of her son. Adiatu found solace and invaluable support through the Education Opportunity Funds (EOF) Program. This program not only provided financial assistance but also connected her with essential services like counseling and tutoring. Learning to advocate for herself and seek help when needed became foundational skills that empowered her throughout her college journey. Adiatu expressed deep gratitude for her EOF counselor, Angela White, whose guidance has been instrumental since her freshman year.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented a crossroad for Adiatu. Despite uncertainties, she made the decision to continue pursuing her college degree, viewing education as a pathway to a brighter future for her family. Balancing her academics with her personal responsibilities required good time management and strong organizational skills. Each semester, Adiatu prioritized her course registrations while strategically managing her family commitments. Recognizing the importance of a strong support system, she credits her husband for his unwavering emotional and financial support.

Adiatu’s belief in pursuing her aspirations has been a guiding principle. Her passion for education and making a difference is rooted in her experience at North Star Academy. She envisions a future in education, aspiring to become a school psychologist or special education teacher. With graduation just a month away, she has already started her job search in a familiar place: North Star Academy. During our most recent conversation, she expressed a willingness to return to North Star as an education professional because of her experience as a student and the support that the Alumni Support Program provided to her during college. It is evident that Adiatu is committed to giving back to her community and making a positive impact on the lives of students.

As Adiatu prepares to walk across the stage and close this chapter of her academic journey, she stands as an inspiring example of perseverance, dedication, and the transformative power of education. Her story is not just a personal triumph but also a testament to the invaluable impact of support programs and unwavering determination. Adiatu Jalloh’s journey serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those navigating similar challenges, highlighting the profound difference education and determination can make in shaping one’s future.
