Uncommon Schools’ North Star Academy 4th Graders Get Empowered

Our wonderful 4th graders from North Star Academy -Liberty Elementary School show off their broadcast news skills in their weekly news show! Our teacher, Nia Freeman, helps her students prepare their newscast and covers topics such as Latinx Heritage Month, Women’s History Month, Black History Month, and sometimes even the weather! Read more about this …

不寻常学校’ 北星学院 WPHS 辩论队在 NBC 纽约台讨论总统辩论问题

Uncommon Schools 的北星学院华盛顿公园高中获奖辩论队与 NBC New York 就总统候选人在辩论中的表现分享了他们的见解!请花一分钟时间观看并聆听我们未来的领导人的观点!在 NBC New York 上阅读更多相关内容。 


我们的使命不仅是让我们的学生 #ToAndThrough 上大学,而且还要激励和培训我们未来的教师!今年夏天,来自全国各地的教师来到纽约市和纽瓦克市为我们的学生授课!在 NBC 纽约记者帕特-巴特尔(Pat Battle)的报道中,您将了解到更多有关暑期教学奖学金的信息!您将听到 ...


家长们与我们一起了解北星学院西区小学幼儿园的课程!在北星学院,您的孩子从踏入我们学校的那一刻起,就将获得成功所需的个性化支持。我们的校长凯拉-费尔南德斯(Keila Fernandez)在下面链接的文章中解释了如何做到这一点。阅读全文


Jessie Gómez 报道 北星学院华盛顿公园高中像 Lina Zapata 这样的教师是学生在不寻常学校茁壮成长的原因。她决定成为自己儿时所需要的老师,为每一位学生在通往大学及以后的道路上提供支持。在 Chalkbeat 阅读全文。 


来自北星学院(North Star Academy)的家长杰梅因(Jermaine)和来自纽约市不寻常学校(Uncommon Schools NYC)的家长莎黛(Shadae)应邀参加了 NBCNews NOW 小组讨论,探讨在数字时代如何养育孩子!如果您想了解如何与您的青少年交谈,请花点时间观看这场内容丰富的全体会议。

新泽西州学生获得著名的 QuestBridge 奖学金

对于北星学院华盛顿公园高中(North Star Academy Washington Park High School)的学生大卫(David)和贾斯汀(Justin)来说,他们的努力得到了回报! 今年秋天,他们都将获得全额奖学金,前往芝加哥大学和阿默斯特学院等顶尖大学深造。他们都将自己在高中阶段坚持不懈的努力,以及从北极星学院获得的支持归功于学校。


来自北星学院华盛顿公园高中(North Star Academy Washington Park High School)的戴维(David)和贾斯汀(Justin)已经知道他们将获得全额奖学金,前往芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)和阿默斯特学院(Amherst College)就读。这些学生都是著名的 QuestBridge 奖学金(QuestBridge Scholarship)的获得者,该奖学金通过大学匹配计划为他们提供奖学金,帮助他们进入全美最具竞争力的大学就读。今年...


随着越来越多的学生通过 "提前决定 "程序申请大学,"不寻常学校"(Uncommon Schools)的学生们喜悦或含泪的录取反应不断涌现。美国广播公司(ABC)新闻节目《早安美国》(Good Morning America)报道了来自北星学院林肯公园高中(North Star Academy Lincoln Park High School)的三名学生的故事,以及他们通过提前决定程序进入梦想大学的过程。娜塔莉、安吉丽娜...

十五名纽瓦克学生获得著名的 QuestBridge 奖学金

纽瓦克的北极星学院(North Star Academy)创纪录地有七名高三毕业生将通过著名的 QuestBridge 全国大学匹配计划获得全额奖学金,进入全美竞争最激烈的一些大学就读。 在纽瓦克所有高中中,北星高中获得 QuestBridge 奖学金的学生人数最多。来自全国各地的 20,800 多名学生 ...

墨菲州长关注扫盲是正确的 | 意见

作者:Juliana Worrell Juliana Worrell 是 Uncommon Schools K-8 年级的首席学校官,她倡导利用阅读科学的原则进行强有力的识字教学。阅读本专栏文章,原文刊登于 2024 年 1 月 20 日的 NJ Star-Ledger。(州长菲尔-墨菲(Phil Murphy)在州情咨文中呼吁引入...

北极星’的迈克-陶布曼(Mike Taubman):道德哲学课程能为高中生带来什么

2023 年 11 月 2 日,在斯坦福大学结构化通识教育(SLE)研讨会 50 周年纪念活动上,北辰教师、斯坦福大学毕业生迈克-陶布曼(Mike Taubman)发表了题为 "共同寻求共同利益 "的演讲,并谈到了如何将这一课程移植到高中环境中。"SLE 文化的第一个方面对于高中生来说非常强大 ...


作者:TAPinto Newark 工作人员报道 | 最后更新时间:2023 年 4 月 20 日 北星学院(North Star Academy)高年级学生科里-麦迪逊(Corey Madison)正在发出自己的声音。麦迪逊认为他所在的学校和其他公立特许学校受到了不公平的待遇,并在新泽西州议会预算委员会作证。点击此处查看他的证词:阅读...


2023 年 3 月 9 日 / Accelerate Institute 新闻 2018 年,Uncommon Schools 的乔迪-琼斯(Jody Jones)因其在北极星学院(North Star Academy)担任校长期间的变革性领导力而荣获著名的瑞安奖(Ryan Award),在那里,她帮助带领学生达到或超过了州内测试的预期,与新泽西州其他学区相比,她的成绩更胜一筹。五年后,现任 Uncommon 学校高级总监的琼斯(Jody Jones)获得了 "莱恩奖"。

学校必须在 2023 年将重点放在阅读上,以缩小 COVID 的学习差距

作者:Paula White | 2023年2月18日 事实上,高质量的扫盲教学是孩子们学习的关键变量。在 2023 年,让我们给予它应有的关注和推动。在 NJ.com 上阅读更多内容


作者:Art Worrell | Feb 13.2023 在这篇由 Uncommon Schools 历史教学主任 Art Worrell 撰写的专栏文章中,Worrell 说历史是混乱的。但是,通过接受这种混乱,我们就能理解我们的世界,理解做人的意义。在 NJ.com 上阅读更多内容


By Dashawn Sheffield | 2023年2月7日 北星学院(North Star Academy)学生达肖恩-谢菲尔德(Dashawn Sheffield)知道,他可以成为一股善的力量--尽管他梦想的职业带有负面的刻板印象--会让人感到惊讶。在 Chalkbeat 阅读更多


纽瓦克不寻常学校(Uncommon Newark)的学生们正在用自己的双手维护月经公平。新泽西州的学校不需要提供女性卫生用品,但北星学校一个由学生领导的俱乐部正在为提供这些产品而奋斗。该俱乐部成立于近两年前,当时学生们设法让一家公司捐赠了卫生用品分配器。


Brett Peiser 在这篇《纽约每日新闻》专栏文章中,Uncommon Schools 的联席首席执行官 Brett Peiser 承认过去两年半的时间对教师来说是多么艰难,但他也知道学生和家庭现在比以往任何时候都更需要教师。阅读本故事,原文刊登于 2022 年 10 月 17 日的《纽约日报》...

North Star’s Samuel Bendinelli Nominated for Chalkbeat’s Abbott Elementary Inspired Poll

Celebrating the success of “Abbott Elementary,” a wildly popular television sitcom centered on an optimistic Philadelphia school teacher, Chalkbeat asked readers to nominate teachers who are their real-life versions of “Mrs. Howard” — teachers who continuously demonstrated dedication and caring during the pandemic. North Star’s WPHS Samuel Bendinelli was nominated by one of his former …

Recovering From Remote Learning’s Shortfalls

Millions of students have not caught up academically after remote learning, and Uncommon Schools is making up for that. Fairmount Elementary Principal, Tameka Royal, uses pep rallies to increase enthusiasm for learning with her students. “Always stand up and always speak out. There is no substitute for in-person learning,” says Royal. The school is utilizing …

North Star Academy Graduates Celebrate the Coming Journey

By TAPINTO NEWARK |Published May 31, 2022 at 6:43 PM Growing up in Newark’s South Ward, Devia’N Parker Rogers had a lot of pets  – dogs, turtles, fish. “I was always really excited to be around animals,” Parker Rogers said. “I was really shy around other people socially and kind of introverted, so I really …

13 Uncommon Seniors Receive QuestBridge Scholarships to Top Schools

Please join us in congratulating Uncommon’s QuestBridge Scholars! Thirteen seniors from Uncommon’s network in New Jersey, Rochester, and Brooklyn have accepted their QuestBridge matches and will receive full four-year scholarships to 9 colleges and universities, including Wellesley and Yale. We are so proud of these graduating seniors and the work they have done to achieve …

Chalkbeat NY: Parents, Educators Emphasize Need for Mental Health Supports

TAPinto Newark: Schools Get Students Excited for Back to School

Patch.com: ‘BBQ for a Cause’ Celebrates Newark

Chalkbeat: North Star Students Launch Wellness Council

TAPinto: North Star Academy Class of 2021 Celebrates Graduation

TAPinto Newark: Students Celebrate College Acceptances After a Year of Uncertainty

As if the pandemic itself wasn’t challenging enough, twins Joan and Judith Jatto just moved to Newark from Nigeria in 2018 and enrolled at North Star Academy Lincoln Park High School as 11th graders. Despite the challenges, however, the twins have thrived—from starting an Afro beat dance club at school to going to Colgate and …

Chalkbeat: Newark Classrooms Reopen

North Star Academy Recognized in Stanford University’s 2021 CREDO Study

Bloomberg: Uncommon Students Remain a Priority Beyond HS Graduation

Uncommon Sense: An Instructional Blog for Educators by Educators

Uncommon Schools has a history of collaborating with local school districts and sharing resources through in-person professional development trainings, online workshops, and multiple best-selling books. Why? Because we believe that every child deserves a great education. Why a Blog? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to rethink our traditional sharing avenues, but being confined to …

TapInto Newark: An Alumnus Returns to His Alma Mater to Teach

TapInto Newark: Newark Charters Release Standards for Reopening Schools


There are no limits to the creative ways we celebrate our students’ successes. In Newark, NJ, more than 200 seniors graduated from North Star Academy Washington Park and Lincoln Park high schools. While we couldn’t hold a traditional graduation ceremony, staff, families, and students got together to celebrate how they could: a drive-through graduation. As …

North Star Academy, Newark Charters Plan for Remote Start to School Year

Whether schools will start the new year remotely or in person is on everyone’s minds. In Newark, NJ, the city’s largest charter school networks, including North Star Academy, are planning to start remotely. In-person learning will resume only when it’s been deemed safe to do so. According to Chalkbeat Newark, it’s unclear whether Gov. Murphy …

North Star Principal Joins Panel Discussion on School Reopening

Tameka Royal, a Principal at Uncommon Schools North Star Academy, participated in a national discussion about what school will look like for the 2020-2021 school year. It’s a hot topic among educators as they look to balance the health risks of COVID-19 exposure with the challenges of remote learning. As reported by TapintoNewark, Royal joined …

The 74: Researchers Find Top Results for Newark, Boston, Pittsburgh

A Letter to the Uncommon Community

Dear Uncommon Schools Community, A few weeks ago, after we chose to close Uncommon Schools for a day to allow our community to process in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, I wrote an essay about how our charter school network was founded to battle racism and advance social justice. Since writing that …

NJ Latino News: High School Seniors Awarded $75,000 in Scholarships

Juneteenth: A Reflection

My Uncommon Family— I am truly thankful for the opportunity to write to you on this day: June 19, 2020. As I write this, monuments of history told from a single story are coming down all over the world, as people refuse to continue to accept a single version, a single truth, a single lens …

Op-Ed: We Were Founded to Battle Racism and Injustice

In an op-ed for The 74 Million, Uncommon Schools President Julie Jackson explains why the Uncommon Schools network shut down for a day. “With protests erupting across the country, with our own staff and families and students participating, with countless conversations happening about the toll these events were taking on us personally, it became clear …

Uncommon Schools to Close for Mental Health Day on June 1

Uncommon Schools is taking an organization-wide mental health day June 1, 2020 for the sake of our community. Like you, we spent the weekend watching, reading, grieving, raging, reflecting, and marching. We spent the weekend trying to explain to our own children what was going on, as we tried to explain it to ourselves. As …

North Star Student Uses Sewing Skills to Make Masks for Health Care Workers

North Star Academy student Darius Brown has been using his sewing skills to help animals get adopted. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, however, he’s shifted his focus. According to local news outlets and People.com, Darius shifted production from pet accessories to face masks for frontline health workers.

The Making of the ‘Together, We are Here’ Video

via TapInto Newark Performing Arts teachers at Uncommon North Star Academy and Camden Prep created a musical video in which they sing about Uncommon’s mission. The video is just one of a handful of ways that our teachers are reaching out to their students during on-going social distancing and stay-at-home orders as a result of …

Together, We are Here

One Mission, One Vision. We may be separated from one another during this pandemic, but we are together in one purpose. With joy and love, our teachers continue to show their commitment to their students and families. North Star Academy and Camden Prep performing arts teachers created this video, singing out our mission to get …

One Teacher’s Perspective on Uncommon’s Demands on Students and Teachers

When Mike Taubman was studying to become a teacher, he didn’t buy the anti-charter school sentiment. As an undergraduate, he interned at Uncommon Schools and now, at 39, is in his 15th year at the network and thriving. Many teachers at charter schools, like Taubman, are willing to work the long hours because, writes Jay …

Making Remote Learning Easier and Engaging

Many educators across the country are navigating a huge challenge: how to keep students learning while away from school during the coronavirus pandemic. As Juliana Worrell notes in an op-ed for The 74, we created a remote learning platform that we believe will keep K-8 students learning until we’re able to return to classrooms. We …

North Star Academy Transitions to Online Learning

When schools closed at the end of March 13, students in K-8 at North Star Academy were sent home with paper-based remote learning packets so they could continue practicing previously learned materials. For the high school students, time was of the essence. The Advanced Placement Exams were just a few weeks away, and almost all …
