
在 Uncommon,多元化、公平和包容是实现我们使命的核心。我们相信,所有学生都应该从塑造他们人生的成年人身上看到自己,多元化的团队才是强大的团队。

2019 Summer Teaching Fellows pose for a group picture


We have proudly built schools where more than 50% of our teachers identify as people of color - over twice the national average - where our leadership team reflects the diversity of our staff, and where diversity and inclusion practices inform how we work together as an Uncommon team. We cultivate and strengthen our diversity through hiring, retention, and leadership development practices. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team develops deeply reflective staff training sessions, facilitates a regional speaker series, and supports authentic student and staff discussions across our schools, and more to help ensure that our school and workplace culture allows all of us to bring our whole selves to work every day.

Teacher working with student on worksheet


Uncommon Schools 致力于在我们组织的各个层面实现多样性和包容性。Lead from Within 计划为处于学校领导职业生涯初期的有色人种校长提供了一个独特的机会,使他们能够确定和讨论领导价值观,进一步发展对管理好学校至关重要的技能,并学习可持续的做法,以取得长期的成功。每位 "内部领导 "研究员都会与一名导师配对,导师是组织中的资深领导者,提供一对一的辅导和思想伙伴合作,并与终身伙伴一起建立一种社区体验,在这种体验中,领导者被看到、被重视、被倾听。


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Student speaking into microphone as other students look on