We are a team of mission-driven educators who close the opportunity gap by preparing our students to thrive in college and beyond. At Uncommon, you’ll accelerate your growth through coaching, feedback, and professional development and see tangible, meaningful results as students exceed national benchmarks. Join us and be a part of a joyful, supportive community dedicated to making a lasting difference in students’ lives.
At Uncommon Schools, growth is a daily habit. We believe our students deserve our very best, so we strive to improve every day. Whether you’re a teacher, leader, or team member, you will receive formal professional development workshops and individualized coaching sessions to continuously refine your craft.
Our teachers are committed to the students, families, and communities they serve. In three years, our students exceeded English, Language Arts, and math standards at Camden Prep.
夏季 PD
Every August, our teachers spend two to three weeks refining their practice through high-quality training focused on culture, achievement, and data-driven instruction. This time brings our teams together—new and returning teachers bond, build confidence, and start the school year ready to achieve exceptional results for our students
We devote half a day to professional development every week, including school-wide staff meetings and focused grade-level or content-area sessions. Each educator also meets one-on-one with their instructional leader for real-time feedback and tailored support.
每年,Uncommon 的所有学校领导都会聚集在一起,参加为期两天的务虚会,作为一个网络进行后退和反思,同时发展领导力方面的专业知识,提高工作效率。
Uncommon 的年度运营学院将运营领导者聚集在一起,进行人员管理和最佳运营实践方面的实践培训。
内政部 PD
Uncommon 的职业领域
Explore the many exciting career areas at Uncommon Schools: teachers, leaders, student support, school operations and Home Office.
We serve students in grades Pre-K—12, providing a pathway to and through college. Our elementary schools cultivate a love of learning while providing a stellar academic foundation. Our middle schools help our students develop their own identities and deepen their skills. Our high schools build intellectual expertise and help students develop their passion and leadership.