
罗切斯特预科高中的学生们在 AP 微积分课上迎来了一位特殊的客人!美国国家航空航天局(NASA)空间技术任务局代理副局长、罗彻斯特理工学院校友克莱顿-特纳(Clayton Turner)发表了讲话,并回答了学生们关于他在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)30年任期和领导能力的问题。学生们听得如痴如醉!了解更多相关信息...


罗切斯特预备高中 2024 届学生庆祝了他们的高三签约日!没有什么比看着学生们向满屋子的家人、朋友和中学生宣布他们的大学决定更让人高兴的了。全班一半以上的学生将在秋季无债上大学!请在 WHAM 13 上阅读有关此次活动的更多信息。


BY HALENA SEPULVEDA 不寻常学校在罗切斯特预科学校开展的 "Eye-to-Eye "项目将具有相似独特才能和教育经历的神经多样性高中导师和初中学生聚集在一起。该项目创建了一个超越宽容的社区,以赞美每个学生的独特差异。在 Spectrum News 阅读全文。


2023 年 10 月 23 日 | 作者:Halena Sepulveda at Spectrum News 1 根据《国家成绩单》,2022 年有 33% 的四年级学生成绩达到或超过熟练水平,与 2019 年相比减少了 2% 。"大流行后,我们真的明白了,我们需要准确定位孩子们的需求,我们的课程已经......


WHAM ABC 13 | 美国东部时间 2023 年 5 月 19 日星期五下午 7:28 罗切斯特预科学校于 5 月 19 日举行了高三签约日庆祝活动,以纪念学生们的大学决定,并为他们开始下一个篇章而欢呼。98% 名高三学生即将毕业,并在秋季进入大学。"我们经常听到...


By Tocarra Hughes | Feb. 10, 2023 四名来自罗切斯特预科学校的学生将通过 QuestBridge 全国大学对抗赛获得圣母大学、科尔盖特大学、芝加哥大学和波士顿大学的四年全额奖学金。罗切斯特预备学校的学生是从 17900 多名奖学金申请者中脱颖而出的。阅读全文...

K-12 和高等教育合作的全国性地方典范

罗纳德-L-扎雷拉(Ronald L. Zarrella)在这篇《罗切斯特民主与纪事报》专栏文章中,讨论了罗切斯特理工学院和罗切斯特预科学校之间的合作如何帮助学生体验严谨的学术研究,准确了解在大学取得成功所需的条件,并发现他们可能从未接触过的学习领域。


Brett Peiser 在这篇《纽约每日新闻》专栏文章中,Uncommon Schools 的联席首席执行官 Brett Peiser 承认过去两年半的时间对教师来说是多么艰难,但他也知道学生和家庭现在比以往任何时候都更需要教师。阅读本故事,原文刊登于 2022 年 10 月 17 日的《纽约日报》...

Program helping combat teacher shortage in Rochester

The worker shortage is affecting a wide variety of professions, including teaching. Local school districts are dealing with a shortage of both teachers and staff, just like every other district in New York. Rochester Prep is trying to combat the shortage by helping people who want to become teachers go to school to do so …

13 Uncommon Seniors Receive QuestBridge Scholarships to Top Schools

Please join us in congratulating Uncommon’s QuestBridge Scholars! Thirteen seniors from Uncommon’s network in New Jersey, Rochester, and Brooklyn have accepted their QuestBridge matches and will receive full four-year scholarships to 9 colleges and universities, including Wellesley and Yale. We are so proud of these graduating seniors and the work they have done to achieve …

11 Rochester Prep Alumni Join RIT City Scholars Program

Spectrum News1: Rochester Prep Works to Close COVID-Related Learning Loss


Rochester Beacon: Rochester Prep Educators Kept Students’ Dreams Alive During Pandemic

Minority Reporter Op-Ed: Rochester Prep Meeting My Childrens’ Needs

Uncommon Sense: An Instructional Blog for Educators by Educators

Uncommon Schools has a history of collaborating with local school districts and sharing resources through in-person professional development trainings, online workshops, and multiple best-selling books. Why? Because we believe that every child deserves a great education. Why a Blog? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to rethink our traditional sharing avenues, but being confined to …

Rochester Beacon: Alumna Returns to Alma Mater to Teach

Rochester Prep Seniors Celebrate College Signing Day

Senior Signing Days are usually a raucous affair with students and families convening at a theater, all cheering as each senior declares where they will be going to college. This year, the event turned virtual on Youtube. Students proudly shared which college they will be graduating from in four years, and listened to guest speaker …

Uncommon Schools to Close for Mental Health Day on June 1

Uncommon Schools is taking an organization-wide mental health day June 1, 2020 for the sake of our community. Like you, we spent the weekend watching, reading, grieving, raging, reflecting, and marching. We spent the weekend trying to explain to our own children what was going on, as we tried to explain it to ourselves. As …

Together, We are Here

One Mission, One Vision. We may be separated from one another during this pandemic, but we are together in one purpose. With joy and love, our teachers continue to show their commitment to their students and families. North Star Academy and Camden Prep performing arts teachers created this video, singing out our mission to get …

One Teacher’s Perspective on Uncommon’s Demands on Students and Teachers

When Mike Taubman was studying to become a teacher, he didn’t buy the anti-charter school sentiment. As an undergraduate, he interned at Uncommon Schools and now, at 39, is in his 15th year at the network and thriving. Many teachers at charter schools, like Taubman, are willing to work the long hours because, writes Jay …

Reinventing Education Amid the Pandemic

In an op-ed for the Rochester Beacon, Assistant Superintendent Paul Powell describes how Uncommon Schools Rochester Prep revamped itself to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Echoing CEO Brett Peiser’s op-ed in the New York Daily News, Powell highlights the principles that guided this work, and how teachers are creating virtual curricula and …

Making Remote Learning Easier and Engaging

Many educators across the country are navigating a huge challenge: how to keep students learning while away from school during the coronavirus pandemic. As Juliana Worrell notes in an op-ed for The 74, we created a remote learning platform that we believe will keep K-8 students learning until we’re able to return to classrooms. We …

Uncommon Schools Launches Virtual K8 Program

No one knew how much the coronavirus pandemic would impact K-12 learning. Schools, including Uncommon Schools, initially made sure their students had enough learning packets and assignments for about two weeks. It quickly became apparent that more was needed. Starting March 30, every Uncommon student will be on a virtual school program with daily lessons …

Literacy Nonprofit Donates Books to Children in Need During Pandemic

A Freeport-based nonprofit, The Book Fairies, donated more than 11,000 books so children can keep reading during the coronavirus pandemic. Educators approached the organization about books to send home to students. In response, Book Fairies temporarily opened its headquarters for scheduled pick-ups. Natasha Cherry-Perez, Senior Associate Director of Community Engagement, went to pick up books …

3 Guiding Principles for Our Transition to Remote Learning

Days after we closed all of our school, Uncommon opened back up as a remote learning organization. In New York City alone we were serving nearly 10,000 students in their homes. Our teachers and staff scrambled to survey families about their Internet capabilities, became couriers to get equipment to families, and made wellness calls to …

Uncommon School Leaders Attend TFA School Leaders of Color Conference

Seven hundred school leaders of color — including over 10 from Uncommon — gathered in Las Vegas on February 7 for Teach for America’s annual conference. This year, the focus was on resilient leadership and providing school leaders with inspiration and motivation to continue the work of supporting young people of color in achieving their …

2,550 Strong — We are One Uncommon

In 1997, we began as a single school in Newark, New Jersey. To that founding class of 72 students and their families we made a promise. A promise to provide them with an outstanding education that prepares them to graduate from college and achieve their dreams. Our steadfastness and commitment to that promise has allowed …

Charter School Leaders Invite Democratic Presidential Candidates to Visit Their Schools

In an op-ed for the Daily News, Brett Peiser (CEO, Uncommon Schools), Dacia Toll (President and Co-CEO, Achievement First), and Richard Barth (CEO, KIPP Foundation), invite Democratic presidential candidates to visit their schools and see firsthand how public charter schools are making an impact on student outcomes. Democratic presidential candidates have spoken on the need …

Rochester Prep Alumna Joins RIT’s 10th Class of Destler-Johnson Rochester City Scholars

Cheyenne Williams, a Rochester Prep alumna, is one of 21 students who were welcomed at the Rochester Institute of Technology as the college’s 10th class of Destler-Johnson Rochester City Scholars. The program is designed to give graduates from the Rochester City School District the opportunity to attend college tuition-free. Watch the coverage on News10 here.

Paul Powell: Three Factors That Have an Impact on Students’ Lives

While attending a K-12 forum on the future of education, Rochester Prep Assistant Superintendent Paul Powell kept thinking about Jahnury Acosta, a Rochester Prep alumnus and freshman at Rochester Institute of Technology. Jahnury’s journey to graduate at the top of his class wasn’t an easy one but watching him succeed through rigorous AP courses in …

Rochester Prep West Campus Identified as “Recognition School”

Rochester Prep West Campus has been identified by the New York State Education Department as a 2018-19 Recognition School, one of only four K-8 schools outside of New York City to achieve the distinction. Under the state’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), schools identified as “Recognition Schools” have high academic achievement, student growth and graduation …

Rochester Prep HS Teacher Shares First Year Teaching Experience

Susan Spencer, a geometry and algebra teacher at Uncommon Schools Rochester Prep High School, recently spoke with Evan Dawson, host of Connections on NPR, about her first year of teaching. “I was surprised by how purpose driven this work is for so many people. I’ve never worked in a profession where people were so dedicated …

Rochester Prep Students Discover Rare Bacterium

Atlantis, Joyceline, and D’Asia — three Rochester Prep seniors — made a surprising discovery with professor Andre Hudson while working in a science lab at Rochester Institute of Technology. The young women are co-authors on a scientific paper announcing a rare bacterium that kills e-coli. Their work will be published in the April issue of …

Patch: Rochester Prep Celebrates Graduation and 100% College Acceptance
