您想了解当教育工作者相信学生并推动他们走向成功时会发生什么吗?请观看这个故事,13 名 Uncommon 的罗克斯伯里预备高中学生将在秋季以不到 $2,000 的学费升入顶尖大学。其中六名学生获得了全额奖学金。 续
您想了解当教育工作者相信学生并推动他们走向成功时会发生什么吗?请观看这个故事,13 名 Uncommon 的罗克斯伯里预备高中学生将在秋季以不到 $2,000 的学费升入顶尖大学。其中六名学生获得了全额奖学金。 续
2023 年 10 月 23 日 | 作者:Halena Sepulveda at Spectrum News 1 根据《国家成绩单》,2022 年有 33% 的四年级学生成绩达到或超过熟练水平,与 2019 年相比减少了 2% 。"大流行后,我们真的明白了,我们需要准确定位孩子们的需求,我们的课程已经...... 续
罗克斯伯里预备学校(Roxbury Prep Missional Hill)五年级数学老师玛吉-希尔曼(Maggie Hillman)入围了马萨诸塞州年度教师的前四名!她是唯一入围马萨诸塞州中小学教育部评选的特许学校教师。地区教学总监 Terra Carr 这样评价希尔曼老师:"Maggie 是一位出色的教师,她的教学方法和教学手段都非常先进。 续
12 月,罗克斯伯里预备学校的 "家长宣传伙伴 "组织召集了约 50 名社区志愿者,为 160 多个学校家庭组装并分发了食品篮。 阅读本文时,请注意本文原载于 2023 年 1 月 31 日的《波士顿商业杂志》(可能需要订阅)。 续
Shradha Patel | 2022 年 12 月 21 日 对于考虑从事教师职业的大学生来说,实践经验无可替代。而对于希望找到尽职尽责的新人才的管理者来说,积极主动地为大学生提供感受教学的机会比以往任何时候都更加重要。这种让未来教师参与其中的承诺一直是...... 续
罗纳德-L-扎雷拉(Ronald L. Zarrella)在这篇《罗切斯特民主与纪事报》专栏文章中,讨论了罗切斯特理工学院和罗切斯特预科学校之间的合作如何帮助学生体验严谨的学术研究,准确了解在大学取得成功所需的条件,并发现他们可能从未接触过的学习领域。 续
Brett Peiser 在这篇《纽约每日新闻》专栏文章中,Uncommon Schools 的联席首席执行官 Brett Peiser 承认过去两年半的时间对教师来说是多么艰难,但他也知道学生和家庭现在比以往任何时候都更需要教师。阅读本故事,原文刊登于 2022 年 10 月 17 日的《纽约日报》... 续
By Eddie Washington There are very few things common about Julie Jackson. For starters, she is the first Black Co-Chief Executive Officer for Uncommon Schools in its 25-year history. Jackson has been in education for nearly 30 years. Her experience started in the classroom as a Teach For America core member in 1994. Since then, … 续
By: Anna Lamb The new campus will serve students in grades 9-12 and combine student populations who are currently taking classes in two different buildings in Hyde Park and Roxbury. The new site will be accessible via four bus lines and a commuter rail, and will include a full-sized gymnasium, cafeteria, performing arts spaces, and … 续
On March 14th, middle school students at Roxbury Prep celebrate Pi Day with pie! Students who could recite the most digits of Pi got to throw Pi in their teachers’ faces! “I think it’s a fun celebration of the things that they’re learning and a moment of collective joy,” Principal Tim O’Leary said. “If we’re … 续
We are thrilled to announce that Uncommon has been awarded a highly competitive $4 million Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The EIR grants support “local efforts to develop, implement, and take to scale entrepreneurial and evidence-based projects that have the potential to improve academic achievement for underserved students.” … 续
Juliana Worrell, Chief Schools Officer K-8 and co-author of Great Habits, Great Readers, was a recent guest on the Karen Hunter Show to discuss how teaching phonics can close literacy gaps, and how schools and school leaders can close learning gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen to the full interview: The Karen Hunter Show … 续
Juliana Worrell, Chief Schools Officer K-8 and co-author of Great Habits, Great Readers, recently appeared on Black News Channel (BNC) to discuss reading education and why phonics-based instruction is crucial. According to Worrell, “When we think about what are the best practices, we have to get back to the neuroscience, we have to get back … 续
Juliana Worrell, Chief Schools Officer K-8, recently contributed to The 74 Million and responded to NYC Public Schools Chancellor David Banks’ recent comments on reading education. To build a foundation for developing strong readers, Worrell shared three important recommendations: Basing reading instruction on the science Providing teachers support and training Equipping students with complex and … 续