Two men and a woman sit on stage

Thank you to former U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan for moderating a conversation at Charter School Growth Fund’s retreat with Uncommon alumna Joemi Espinal (UCHS Class of 2013).⠀ ⠀ Joemi spoke about how her experiences at Uncommon shaped her college and career path, which led her to a current role on Uncommon’s Diversity team. We’re so proud of how our alumni like Joemi continue to, both back home at Uncommon and beyond.

  • October 19, 2017

Thank you to former U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan for moderating a conversation at Charter School Growth Fund’s retreat with Uncommon alumna Joemi Espinal (UCHS Class of 2013).⠀

Joemi spoke about how her experiences at Uncommon shaped her college and career path, which led her to a current role on Uncommon’s Diversity team. We’re so proud of how our alumni like Joemi continue to #ChangeHistory, both back home at Uncommon and beyond.
