Uncommon Schools Adopts Illustrative Math to Help Dramatically Accelerate Student Achievement

  Starting this school year (2024-2025), all 23 of our Uncommon Schools’ 5th and 6th grade classrooms across Brooklyn, Newark, Camden, Boston, and Rochester will be using the Illustrative Math curriculum. Like many schools nationwide, teachers at Uncommon have struggled to reverse the pandemic-related learning loss. We decided that making the shift to a new … Continued

Five Ways To Partner With Families on the Science of Reading

  The partnership between educators and families is one of the most powerful incentives to get students to reach their reading goals. As emerging readers navigate the summer months and return to school in the fall, teachers and parents must join forces to continue to build the foundational skills for reading by practicing beyond the … Continued

Want to Build Better Writers? Help Students Find Their Own Voice

There were six magic words. Six words that signaled Amani, a student in Ebony’s 5th grade class, was preparing to get laser-focused. “Ms. Lawhorn, can you check this?” When Ebony was in middle school, she remembers struggling to start writing assignments—not knowing the strength of her own voice, or even if she had one. As … Continued
